

看了很多答案,貌似没有人确切知道具体算法. 这里就根据我之前看过的一个访谈来聊聊吧(虽然也是N年了……) Interview with Bernard Hopkins,by Bob Arum(总裁) 这个访谈是1年前左右看的了,当时Hopkins刚刚击败Erick Ochs夺得WBO light heavyweight冠军,访谈的截图我存下了,地址如下: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2tZTnVp-0U 这是Bob Arum对Boxrec上的收入情况的解释,我觉得比较靠谱: “First of all,let’s clarify what the ‘income’ number for boxers really means:the actual amount of money a fighter receives is much less than this.For example,if you are ranked number 6 and youropponent is ranked number 3,you can expect to get paid in the range of $50,000 to $75,000 for fighting him.In order to make more money,a boxer would have to move up in the rankings by defeating higher rated opponents.Therefore,when we talk about income,we are really talking about potential earnings based on the ratings system.” 其实这句话的意思就是说,这些收入水平是依据Ranking(排名)*Fight(每场比赛)得到的。举个例子说明一下这个计算方法:假设你的排名是第6,你对手的排名是第3,那么根据这个收入水平的公式,你们之间的比赛的报酬大概会在$50k-$75k之间。要想得到更多的收入(奖金+出场费),那么只有通过战胜更高排名的对手来提升自我价值。

接下来再看看关于比赛收入的另外一个访谈: Interview with Joe Calzaghe,by Dan Rafael 这是丹·拉斐尔采访中提到的职业拳手收入情况,看起来比较靠谱: “Q:你们知道很多拳击手的实际收入远远比不上他们得到的奖金吗? A:不,我不是指的这个意思,我的意思是他们的实际收入比他们获得的奖金要多得多。许多重量级拳手在一场比赛中能挣几百万美元,但当他们在场下或者训练的时候却只花几十万美元而已。 Q:你说的‘实际收入’是什么意思? A:我指的是他们每年的收入、参加比赛的收入和其他形式的收入,比如广告收入,当一名成功的拳手有很多粉丝时,他们甚至可以从中获益。” 最后再来说说收入结构的访谈: Interview with Andre Ward,by Mark Kriegel 在这个采访里,安德烈这样谈论自己的收入: “My entire budget for my first championship defense was 45K.I couldn’t even afford to take my trainer to Mexico for my fight there last year.I had to pay him after the fact.My trainer and I were living off 800 dollars a month.That’s not very much when you think about it.With that kind of money,how could you not be motivated or excited to go to work every day?It’d be nice if it were different but it’s just how it is right now.” 所以总结一下就是:职业拳手们的收入主要来自于比赛和经纪人的分配;比赛收入一般包括出场费和奖金(胜利者与败者的差距越大,奖金越高);而经纪人一般会抽取佣金的30%作为自己的收入;一些知名度和商业价值高的拳手会接广告或其他的私人合约,这些额外的收入也会让自己腰包鼓起来。
