我买了一双,感觉一般般吧 鞋底挺软的,但是不跟脚........
还有一双刺客的F50,穿着挺好的啊!!!! 李子鞋子不是专业的吧应该 个人认为,买这种鞋子还不如买一双便宜点的阿迪耐克专业点的球鞋。
3、LEVEL 1系列属于低端产品,价格低廉,质量也不怎么好。不过如果你只是想用来锻炼或者是娱乐的话,那还是可以的。但如果作为专业选手来用的话就太差了。 LEVEL 2系列要比LEVEL 1稍微强一点,价格也贵不了多少;而LEVEL 3则是在各方面都达到了顶级水平。
4、POWERBOOST是阿迪达斯的全新动力装置,它能提供强大的推进力和稳定的控制力,使球员能更灵活地控制足球,并能更快地变向跑动。 POWERBOOST在技术上有了很大的进步,它不仅可以有效地减少跑步时的能量损失,还能为运动员提供更强大的推进能力以及更好的弹跳效果。
5、Adizero Pro是阿迪达斯最新推出的一个系列,这个系列的特点就是采用了全新的Boost材料。 Boost是一种新型的中底材料,它能够给足部带来更加柔软舒适的触感,并且能够提供良好的减震效果。Boost还具有出色的耐久性,因此它的使用寿命也比其他品牌的长很多。
6、AdiZero is another new product from adidas that uses the same Boost technology as Adizero Pro, but with a few key differences. The most obvious difference between these two shoes is their price tag-the Adizero Pro retails for about $175 while the AdiZero is only $80! Another big difference is in how they perform on the pitch(球场上). While both models are designed to provide a lightweight and comfortable ride, there is one important distinction here: where Adizero Pro focuses mainly on acceleration (加速), AdiZero emphasizes agility rather than power. As such, it may not be idealfor every player or position, although it certainly can work well for some! Finally, since AdiZero is made using less expensive materials like plastic instead of aluminum, it also costs less to manufacture which means you get more bang for your buck! And who doesn't love cheap things?