

他的哥哥是Jordi Nadal,前职业球手,现在是教练。

在百度图片里输入 Jordi Nadal 就可以看到很多和纳达尔比赛时,哥哥坐在观众席上为弟弟摇旗呐喊的照片(因为弟弟夺冠后要庆祝,而哥哥却已经退役了 )。

下面是百科链接 URL~islander/spain/tennis.html "Jordi started playing tennis at the age of seven with his brother and is now retired. He reached a career high singles ranking of No.12 in the world as well as winning six doubles titles, including two Grand Slams (with Carlos Moyá) in 2003 and 2004. After retiring from professional tennis he worked as a coach, coaching both Rafael 和 David (Rafael之子) to success on junior level and currently coaches Marcos Giron on the pro tour."
