

卡塔尔世界杯上,美国、加拿大和墨西哥这三只“北美海盗”将携手出征,这是首次由三个国家一起举办的世界杯赛事。 2018年俄罗斯世界杯期间,由于美国和加拿大在预选赛中同组,因此两只国家队当时就在同一个小组。不过那时比赛是在客场进行的。而此次在家门口作战,对于三国的球迷们来说无疑是一种享受!


另外值得一提的是,本届世界杯还出现了一些新面孔:亚洲有韩国队以及日本队;非洲则有突尼斯队和马里的队伍等。所有32支队伍都将争夺最后的冠军奖杯! 在世界杯开始前夕,各支队伍都已经开始了紧张的备战工作。作为东道主的卡塔尔队也不例外:他们早在7月就开始举行训练赛并进行热身赛来检验自己的水平;同时他们还邀请了一些经验丰富的教练来帮助球员们调整状态、解决一些问题等等....可以说为了这场比赛他们做了很多准备! 而那些远道而来的客队也同样不敢松懈:巴西队已经开始了为期一个月的集训计划以保持最佳竞技状态并克服时差带来的影响;阿根廷队也在进行着高强度训练以期能够迅速适应当地气候环境并保持体力消耗降低伤病风险… 总之大家都很认真地在为接下来的较量做准备呢!相信在赛场上的表现一定会非常精彩!让我们一起为他们加油助威吧~相信他们的努力不会白费哒~


2014 World Cup - Group C

Group C is made up of two European giants and a host nation. Spain, Germany and Brazil are the three teams in this group with Portugal joining it as an automatic qualifier for EUROs to follow on from Euro ’96. Uruguay will be there too but they have just qualified via CONMEBOL’s second tier, Copa América. Mexico was automatically eliminated so we can expect our hosts to qualify top or at worst runners up. With France not qualifying, who would you choose? And what about USA's chances coming back into contention after missing out last time round.

I think that I am going to go with my gut feeling here and say that Germany will win the tournament if Argentina do not make it through the group stages, despite losing by more than one goal against their rivals Italy. It looks like the team has finally shaken off its jinxed tag after years where nothing much went right. The players look motivated now and hungry to beat everyone.

Pep Guardiola won his first trophy at Bayern Munich while coaching Barcelona and then he coached Dortmund to glory, winning all four competitions – Bundesliga, German cup and Champions League. In addition Pep had a great record during his time at Barcelona. There really aren't many coaches around him that match those achievements and I believe he deserves respect because of his track record. I also feel he understands how to get the best out of his players. He might never work again in football but his career shows no signs of fading away any time soon.
