

这个得看自己喜好,不过我个人来说的话是喜欢西部牛仔的亚索 理由嘛


2,特效也好看,特别是Q技能击飞的时候会有老式电影弹框出现“You will never be alone.” 语音也是充满回忆杀的“May you always find your peace in the arms of those who love you for you are. Always and forever.”(你将会永远找到你在爱着你的人的臂弯里寻找你的平静 因为你是。永远和永恒。)

4,平A时有声音效果 “I am the wind on which your sails are set. I am the wave that carries your ship across the sea. I am the sky where your dreams are set. I am everything to you and more. May you fly high as an eagle and surf far upon the ocean’s waves. You are my strength, my light, and all that I need is within reach if only you know how to grasp it. Happy Birthday,Jhin. Forever and ever.”(我是为你扬起风帆的风;是我载你穿越海洋的浪;是我的天空,有你的梦想在里面翱翔。你是我的一切以及更多的全部。愿你可以像雄鹰一样展翅高飞、像冲浪者驾驭波涛。我是你永远的力量与光芒,只要你懂得如何去汲取。生日快乐, Jhin。永远永远。)

5,大招的特效也是超级酷炫,整个屏幕都是星星,而且语音特效也是“This is what we aim for. This is our purpose. And this is why we live. For this moment. We are one with the stars. And the stars are ours.”(这就是我们瞄准的。这就是我们的意图。这是我们所追求的东西。此时此刻我们和星星是一体的 而星星是我们的。)

6,模型也不错,比忍者那个好多了哈哈 而且价格也不贵,只要90QB,比起那些199甚至更贵的史诗级皮肤我觉得这款性价比超高了
